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How much do you love your Mum? An Uberkate giveaway!

I have the best giveaway for you today! Here is the most divine necklace from Uberkate. You could win this for your Mum or yourself as a Mother's Day treat. Valued at $695. Created specially to celebrate Mother’s Day, the “UBERheart” is the perfect way to spoil your mum. The UBERheart has been designed and handcrafted by …


I have the best giveaway for you today! Here is the most divine necklace from Uberkate. You could win this for your Mum or yourself as a Mother’s Day treat. Valued at $695.

Created specially to celebrate Mother’s Day, the “UBERheart” is the perfect way to spoil your mum.

The UBERheart has been designed and handcrafted by Uberkate owner and designer Kate Sutton.

“I love the symobolism that a heart represents and I wanted to create a piece that encompassed the heart shape but was not your typical heart jewellery.

The piece comprises of three pieces that link together to form a heart. They can be worn separately or together to create different looks.

“I’m so excited by this design, it is truly beautiful, yet versatile. And I really feel any mum would be thrilled to wear this piece especially if it has been embossed with her families’ names.”

The UBERheart is available in silver and gold combinations. “I’ve designed the pieces so they will appeal to those who like wearing gold, silver or even both,” added Sutton.

All you have to do is leave a comment here on this post about why you’d like to win! So easy!

The competition closes in 2 weeks (Thursday 26 April). If you don’t leave your email address for me in the comments section and I can’t contact you, I will have to re-draw a winner.

Good luck!

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Chris R

    April 24, 2012

    This UBERheart necklace is stunning. I would love it as a treat to myself. My boys who are almost 28 and 25 are the loves of my life. Nothing would be better than having their names so close to my heart.

  2. Erin Mitch

    April 24, 2012

    I would love to win this because I’ve been wearing the same necklace for the past 2 years and would love something new that symbolises my family.

  3. Katena

    April 24, 2012

    LOVE Uberkate. This piece is stunning and I would love to win this. Thankyou for hosting such a wonderful giveaway x

  4. Fiona @ Oh Gorgeous Baby

    April 24, 2012

    I think uberkate is simply stunning and I would really love to own one. There are so many wonderful comments here you are going to have a tough time choosing who will win. Good Luck!

  5. Cassie

    April 24, 2012

    I have looked at these and thought how beautiful they are but are often marketed for “Mum’s” – naturally being mother’s day and all.
    I would personally Like to win one for myself and have my mother’s name on it as a reminder of her.
    I lost my mum 11 years ago when I was 19 in a tragic car accident. There is not a day that goes by I don;t think of her but I would love to have her even closer to my heart. xxx RIP mumma.

  6. Jane

    April 24, 2012

    What a beautiful Mother’s Day gift for my amazing Mum. She has been my inspiration through childhood, my teens and now as an adult. I have my own kids now and I look at and marvel at all she did for me when I was growing up – she ran the house, worked, studied, was involved in our local community, was a great role model and a on top of all of that a beautiful lady and friend. I am one lucky girl. Really, I am, and I thank her for it all the time.

  7. Suse

    April 24, 2012

    I’d like to win the necklace for my Mum, because she’s spent most of her life going without or getting the basics -food, clothes, everything!! Just once, I’d like for her to have the best, instead of the basic. Xx

  8. Jo

    April 24, 2012

    A stunning piece of jewelry that any Mum would love to have as a reminder of the love of her family! I know I would as would my Mum and I would love to give her one.

  9. jodie

    April 25, 2012

    Hi there would love something like this to wear on my wedding day

  10. Kirsty eEst

    April 25, 2012

    My kids are my life – This symbolises us a whole yet individual!! Perfect capture of the true meaning of family!!

  11. J Parkes

    April 25, 2012

    Such a beautiful design! I would love to own one of these! Being a mum is my greatest achievement…and this necklace is just wonderful!

  12. Carly Findlay

    April 25, 2012

    My mum is the best. She’s my best friend. She’s spent so long caring for me when I’ve Bern sick – doing my bandages and creams and combing my scalp. She cooks so well and lends me money when I need it. I love her a lot and would love to win thus for her.

  13. Rick Bolt

    April 25, 2012

    I’m entering for my children to win this for Cate. Cate has given all she can without ever asking for anything for herself. Winning something just for her would be fitting for such a caring and giving mother.

  14. Kylie Charles

    April 25, 2012

    Wow, I have just read every comment- everyone is truly deserving!!
    I actually would give this to my sister in law if I won,(not that my mum doesn’t deserve it) because she has just turned 40, has 3 children aged 9,7,5 and we have just found out that she has breast cancer. She has had her breast removed and started chemo yesterday. She has to have chemo, radiation, hormone therapy, she will lose her hair, we have been told she has a massive fight on her hands for the next 12 months. My children are 10 and 5, they go to school together, and it is just so so so tough seeing not only my sister in law go thru this, but also my brother and especially the kids. Carmel is an amazing woman, who would do anything for anyone. And a treat like this, I know would put a huge smile on her face . Thank u for the opportunity to enter xxx

  15. Ashley Morris

    April 25, 2012

    its my first mothers day this year. it took 4 years to get my daughter after being diagnosed with infertility. I’m blessed, so very blessed. I will be spending the day reminiscing about the day that made me a mother

  16. Kezia

    April 25, 2012

    Like you Katrina, I have three boys, so while their mothers day presents are creative and thoughtful, it would be lovely to have something to treasure for years to come that represents them in such a pretty way. Xx
    Love your work, and love UberKate!!

  17. Charmaine Giarratano

    April 25, 2012

    I’m the mum of 9 beautiful kids and it would be so lovely to win something for mothers day that represents my highest achievement….motherhood.

  18. Jack

    April 25, 2012

    I am using my mums email address I hope this is ok. I am 10 years old and My nam is jack. I would love to win this for my mum my mum does everything for me and my sister and she also works very hard to give us cool stuff. i just love her so much. please choose my mum to win this pretty necklace.

  19. Kellie Kemp

    April 25, 2012

    I would give this to my mum if I won it. My mum and dad have raised my sister and I, in a lifestyle that anyone could dream of. My mum has always been my support and best friend in my life, I’m only 18 but after surviving childhood abuse, relationships with friends, peers and males, my mum has always been there for me. She works close to 70hrs a week, providing for our family and making our house a home. It never mattered if it was sport, friendships, or our hobbies mum has only ever given us praise for our dreams, and what we want to do in life. My mum is an amazing woman, who i love with all my heart and would be lost without her in my life.

  20. Jack

    April 25, 2012

    I am using my mums email address I hope this is ok. I am 10 years old and My nam is jack. I would love to win this for my mum my mum does everything for me and my sister and she also works very hard to give us cool stuff. i just love her so much. please choose my mum to win this pretty necklace.

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