Thanks for coming over to my blog! Today I have handed the stage over to Rachel from Redcliffe Style. She has written a great post about how to restart your exercise mojo. For the next couple of Saturday's I have a guest blogger who will give us a post based around the theme MOTIVATION. If …
Thanks for coming over to my blog! Today I have handed the stage over to Rachel from Redcliffe Style. She has written a great post about how to restart your exercise mojo. For the next couple of Saturday’s I have a guest blogger who will give us a post based around the theme MOTIVATION. If you need a little kick up the bum or want to know how people stay motivated across all topics then these Saturday posts are for you. If you think you can write me something on motivation, how to get motivated, when life throws you lemons, how to get out of a rut, shake of negative energy (doesn’t have to do with exercise)… anything like that, then email me!
Ok, now here is Rachel…
Restart your exercise mojo
It can be hard getting and staying motivated. When I notice that I am getting a little slack and it’s time to pull up my gym socks, here are some tips I use to restart my exercise mojo:
- If you can afford it, buy some new gym clothes. You will be surprised how motivating this can be. Bright clothes make you exercise harder. I think this is because they make you look like a superhero. Don’t fight it.
- Wear a good sports bra. Bouncing breasts are distracting (to everyone) and can be very uncomfortable. If you are anticipating discomfort it might put you off your workout.
- Wear proper workout shoes. This is for safety and comfort. Buy the best you can afford and replace them regularly, your feet and knees with thank you for it.
- Mix it up. Find some fun activities that you enjoy doing. Exercise doesn’t have to be boring or repetitive.
- Set a new realistic and achievable goal. You know what sort of goals work best for you. Some goal examples are: Lose 10kgs, run 5kms or participate in a fun run.
- Find a friend to workout with. It’s more fun and you are less likely to let them down. If you can’t find a RL (real life) one, on-line friends can be great too.
- Music!! I love to workout to a play list. I like to listen to P!nk and pretend I am her when I run. You’d be amazed how long you can walk, run or workout if you are distracted.
- Smile. Because everything is better with a smile.

Rachel Wernicke is a 39 year-old married mother of two girls. After working as a paralegal in Brisbane for 14 years, she left life in the big city to focus on her family. Once the kids were both in school, it was time get back to work. In a four-person house with five computers, two iPads, two iPhones, two iPod touches and half a dozen cameras there seemed only one direction to go. Rachel decided to learn more about the the world of blogging and indulge her passions for style and life on the Redcliffe Peninsula. In October 2011, she started as a place to write about and photograph the things she enjoyed. is a light-hearted blog about lifestyle, fashion, beauty and food. The Facebook page can be found here.
Thanks Rachel! Great post. I’m off to buy some new exercise clothes – it’s time! I have been really getting in to this exercise thing and we’ve been playing a photo tagging game (if you haven’t heard about it, head to this post) called #ExerciseShot. I’d love it if you joined in.
Have a great weekend! X
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Just read this post whilst on the treadmill warming down 🙂 At the moment I’m losing a bit of weight but I know when I reach a plateau it will be hard to stay motivated. Great advice in this post!
Go you!!
Thanks for having me Katrina. Rachel x
Laney @ Crash Test Mummy
Some good tips there Rachel. I need to sort out some playlists to exercise to! I think I’d quite like to pretend that I am Pink 😉
Love this post and couldn’t agree more with #1. Last year when I bought new running shoes, my level of motivation for walking just went up. I might have to buy something new this year too because I lack seriously of motivation at the moment!
Chloe Louise
Running over to read it now…!