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Get organised {part 2}

So today (ironically) I am not very organised. I went and got the flu didn't I? So today has been very slow-paced. However, these days are great to get your mind back into shape. I have spent the day on the lounge thinking and organising things in my head. I will feel much better and …

So today (ironically) I am not very organised. I went and got the flu didn’t I? So today has been very slow-paced. However, these days are great to get your mind back into shape. I have spent the day on the lounge thinking and organising things in my head. I will feel much better and less morbid tomorrow!

But back to day-to-day organisation….
We (and I say we because husband does most of it) make the kids lunches the night before. Why do this in the morning if it’s going to create a mess you probably won’t get time to clean up because you are running late? Of course, if you prefer mornings go for it as long as you have it under control.
We share the washing. I work on weekends and husband does the weekend washing. I sort them into piles for him (you know men: whites and blacks!). Then when I toddle home from work it’s washed and brought in (don’t think for a second I can get him to fold it and put it away!). But the key is to wash EVERY DAY and share the workload.
I make my bed before I shower. I feel better when it’s made. I love getting in a bed at night with tightly pulled sheets…ahhh bliss!
Now I am hopeless at meal planning – terrible. This one needs some work on my behalf. I fly by the seat of my pants! Although my bestie Mel is awesome at this job. She has the whole thing down to a fine art. She has got me going on it a few times and then I relapse. Do you all meal plan?
I will say that I have a very well-trained hubby. He wasn’t always this way haha! I wanted to go back to work and he wanted me to, so I had to start turning him like a big ship – took some time!
Will think of some more tips when the cotton wool has come out of my ears and I am not blowing my nose.

Part 1 here.

Hope you all have a great weekend πŸ™‚
Katrina x
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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Julie-Ann

    May 21, 2010

    Oh you are good- organising even when you are sick. I do the bulk of the lunches on the weekend. My son will only eat homemade pizza and chicken and corn burritos. So I make up the pizza and freeze them. I also cook up the burrito mixture and divide and freeze individual portions. I am hopeless with the meal planning too:)

  2. Janine Marshall

    May 21, 2010

    Hi Katrina,
    Hope you are feeling better soon. Have really enjoyed reading your posts on being organised. I have to say I fall down on some of these so am going to work on changing a few things here. I put the hard words on the kids this afternoon and I think they are seriously worried they wouldn't have any time at all to be kids. I tried to tell them, if they pick up etc., then they will have more time, don't think they could see it! We have sports on and other things every afternoon at the moment, not enjoying it, but is only for a few weeks, I know I couldn't live like this all the time. Meals….don't get me started, if I'm not organised and there are some days where you don't know what to cook, it feels like a kick in the pants at the end of the day if you don't have much of an idea. I have heard some people like to plan a weekly menu…I have tried it and yes, if you can stick to it, it certainly does work. Anyway, always room for improvement! Better go and finish cooking tea.
    Take care
    N.W. Coast Tassie

  3. Niki

    May 21, 2010

    Me too Katrina with the flu. Gross. 2 littlies have it too. Double gross. But I am soooo proud of myself as I managed to keep on top of the house as well as look after the kids & be sick. I think the Codral Cold & Flu tabs might have something to do with that. HA.
    Anyhow will get my sh*t together soon & send you some photos.

  4. Melissa

    May 21, 2010

    We should go into business girlfriend!!! lol

  5. Julie-Ann

    May 21, 2010

    Hi Janine
    Sorry to hear that you had trouble with the email confirmation part of joining the Decorating Forum. I will get the computer gurus to look at it. If you email me your username I can skip over this confirmation stage for you. Email me at Send me an email if you are having any other problems- with the forum that is, with cooking dinner your on your own lol. Actually I highly recommend a slow cooker -you throw everything in at lunchtime and it is done by dinner time:)

  6. McCarthy Designs

    May 21, 2010

    Hi Katrina I am enjoying your getting organised posts, thanks for sharing your tips! I hope you get better quickly! Make sure you get as much rest as you can! xx

  7. Alison

    May 22, 2010

    Hi katrina, love the blackboard rules for the boys, especially No.2 Play nice – that's what we tell Riley when he is seeing his cousins. He is such a little roughie – all boy, bit like your 3 rascals. I used to do lunches for the kids at night and set the breakfast table ready for the morning with cereal in their bowls(put a small plate on top) s all they or I had to do was pour some milk on it.
    Hope you are feeling better – the flu thats around now just seems to keep on coming back.

  8. Renee Mitchell

    May 22, 2010

    Hi Katrina!

    I'm so sorry to hear that you are unwell. I agree with the other ladies, I'm thoroughly enjoying your posts on organisation – very motivating! I have 3 boys myself and can always do with some handy hints on getting them sorted every day!

    I'm also stationary designer, and just love your new look blog – especially the fonts! I love looking for new fonts and would really like to use your post header font for a children's birthday invite I'm working on. Would you mind telling me the name of the font and which font site you purchased it from?

    Thanks so much, and I look forward to reading more of your posts on organising a busy family!

    Renee xx

  9. A Very Fine House {and}

    May 22, 2010

    Hi Renee, feel free to email me I can chat to you further πŸ™‚

  10. Renee Mitchell

    May 22, 2010

    Thanks Katrina, have just emailed you πŸ™‚

  11. Oh Gorgeous Baby

    May 24, 2010

    eww lots of green stuff at our house too and dirty tissues groose me out! I won't even touch a hanky YUCK!!!
    Hope you are feeling better by now.
    We do the meal planning thing but more for our shopping and budget. We work out how many days till our next shop and what is happening with us and then hit the shops with a list of what we plan to eat. I don't do it down to the each night we are having this but I do find its helping with the budget.
    I have to get better at washing everday cause with a baby almost here Im going to need to do it. I have almost forgotten how many changes of clothes they can go through in a day.

  12. Amanda

    May 27, 2010

    I too love a freshly made better – so much so that it really bothers me if I'm lying on crumpled sheets – I don't iron them though πŸ™‚ I also menu plan – find it is so much quicker to do the grocery shopping, we waste much less food and I avoid the whole 'what's for tea' dilema which means we eat a lot healthier.

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