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DIY Marble Nail Polish Pencil Holder

Here's a really cute DIY project for you - a pencil holder or pot dipped in some nail polish. I've been going crazy with this - so many options! Pinterest has a heap of ideas so head there to check out other awesome projects too! TIP: Nail polish sticks to plastic or acrylic the best I tried …


DIY Marble Nail Polish Pencil Holder

Here’s a really cute DIY project for you – a pencil holder or pot dipped in some nail polish. I’ve been going crazy with this – so many options! Pinterest has a heap of ideas so head there to check out other awesome projects too!

TIP: Nail polish sticks to plastic or acrylic the best I tried ceramic and it was a big fail…

DIY Marble Nail Polish Pencil Holder Collage

What you’ll need:

  • A plastic pot (mine was from Masters) or pencil holder (this was from Officeworks).
  • Nail polish in assorted colours. Kmart has $1 bottles.
  • A bowl (which you’d be prepared to clean up with nail polish remover, or just throw it out). Add tap water to it.
  • A cloth or paper to dry the dipped pot.

TIP: The pot will take about 20 minutes or so to dry fully – like nail polish would on your nails.

Here’s a 60 second video on how I pulled it all together >>

And there we go – jazzed up and looking spiffy!


Want to see more DIY projects? Pop here!

♥ KC.

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Trish

    September 16, 2015

    Love it! Is that water in the base of the plastic container to begin??

    • Katrina

      September 17, 2015

      Yes, sorry, I forgot to pop that step in! Thanks for reminding me 🙂

  2. Marguerite Kate McCormick

    September 16, 2015

    Mel Schweitzer maybe for your girls to do in the school holidays

  3. Elise Ellerman

    September 17, 2015

    This is now on our school holiday list! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Leanne

    October 27, 2015

    Hi Katrina, I just wondered if you have tried it on glass?

    • Katrina

      October 27, 2015

      I haven’t actually. Sorry! I wonder how it will go – let me know if you try? X

      • Leanne

        October 27, 2015

        I think I will give it a try – I will let you know if it works!

  5. Mariah

    February 27, 2016

    These are so cool I am going to make one later in the day after school

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