Happy Easter to all! Chocolate companies have a lot to answer for. Why do I buy chocolate? Somehow I am sucked in and find myself lining up for the torture of the aftermath every year! Why oh why does the stuff need to consumed so furiously in half a day? I currently have 3 kids …
Happy Easter to all!
Chocolate companies have a lot to answer for. Why do I buy chocolate? Somehow I am sucked in and find myself lining up for the torture of the aftermath every year! Why oh why does the stuff need to consumed so furiously in half a day?
I currently have 3 kids up for sale on ebay. Actually I may go back and change the listing to FREE. Over. it.
We woke the whole street up at 6am and ate chocolate for breakfast. We know what excessive chocolate does to kids?! Screaming, running, jumping and a whole lot of freaking crying. Someone hit another in the face with the footy, one fell off the trampoline and the other couldn’t get up there on his own. It went on for an hour….
I am like, “hey dudes, you are NOT monsters, calm it down!” These kids are not mine surely.
And with the purchase of chocolate eggs, I should have bought an extra packet of toilet paper as I can guarantee there will be some serious musical toilet games later tonight. Not to mention the bowls they will need next to their beds as someone is bound to vomit. And was it worth it, I will ask?
I don’t feel sorry for them. I told them. I tried to warn them.
But hey, we all remember it as kids and you live and learn.
Hope you are all having a great day. I am off to peel my kids off the walls. Maybe we need to visit the park and I will attempt to leave them there.
OR give them a job to do…

Catch ya. Katrina x
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Hysterical! It's not a good Easter unless there's a vomit. I must admit ours is a little more subdued this year with a confirmed peanut allergy. The Easter bunny could only find a few nut free eggs but made up for it with bubble blowers and some cute soft toys. Peel 'em off the walls I say and pour yourself an Easter 'tipple'! A-M xx
A Bite of Country Cupcakes
Oh Yep….Nearly been divorce and adoptions offered up here today!
The changeover from daylight savings did'nt help….Kids our kids are early up like 6am but today was 5am….Their body clocks don't get fricken daylight savings!!!!
That and choc overload! Crikey!
Gail McCormack
Happy Easter Katrina
Of course you have to eat every bit of Chocolate in sight – you know – get it out of the way!
No kiddies living here anymore, so no chocolate, the nearest I came was a Hedgehog slice I bought at a Church Fete yesterday, mind you probably more calories in one slice than five easter eggs, and it's nearly gone, "You know, get it out of the way"
Lol that's hilarious. It's so hard to get them to understand. Mr16 just received a whole lot of chocolate from my MIL- who was asked to give him a book voucher instead but no:( At 16 we not only have to worry about the child being hyper, throwing up but also pimples. And it is 10 days before the year 12 ball:( Good luck tonight.
You make me laugh 🙂 Hope your boys all crash tonight so you can sit back and enjoy a glass of wine. Easter isn't the same without eating way too much chocolate 🙂
The Moerks
Oh I am so glad I discovered your blog today. Just spent 7 hours in the car with our eldest moaning and throwing up with a chocolate induced headache. Thank you, thank you I feel so much better now. I should bookmark this post and make myself (and the Easter Bunny) read this next year:)
Happy Easter! Your such a crack up…love your posts!!! Jake was out of control today too…I told him if he kept it up im going home without him…sadly my threat didnt work? hmmm??? Maybe I should have left him? lol.
Katrina thank god you have the trampoline for them to bounce around on. Maybe they should have the one with the mesh walls and they can all go on it at once and bounce off each other as well. Kids and easter chocolates – perfect combo!!NOT
chair up
I didn't put 2 and 2 together…so that's why I've been feeling hyper all day,haha.
Off subject but…interesting how you ended up with 3 different heights between yours and the neighbours fences.
LOL! We had way too much sugar for breakfast here too. I practically forced them to eat an egg or two just to try and balance it out. It's going to be a looooong day!
1 Funky Woman
Love this! My kids ate chocolate for breakfast and has been in and out of the house 15 times. I've decided to lock her out I can't stand to hear that door slam one more time. It is truly amazing what chocolate does to her! She is a freak! And I'm the idiot who let her have it! Live and learn, hopefully she will crash soon. Or there will be another child listing right under your children on Ebay!
Happy Easter!
I just nearly choked on my coffee reading this! VERY FUNNY! We braved the weather & the crowds & went to the Sydney Royal Easter Show yesterday, so not big attacks of over eating chocolate here…..but today however is different, they are making up for lost time!!!
Hope your blood pressure has come back down & home life is back to being as normal as it can be!