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Category: Uncategorized

Elton John grooved up.Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter | facebook | email

Loving this below.Look at the organisation!Love the splash of red.Ooo lala! So very glamorous!!!I think I am in love with this zebra rug.All pictures from decorpad.Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter | …

I am totally smitten with Tara Bernerd. Star of the Lifestyle Channel's hit show The WOW Factor and big boss of design consultancy business Target Living.I love this show and look forward to it each week. She is speaking my language!I love her use of bold colour, and the white just pop's. Her approach to …

The winner of my GIVEAWAY is...............The Redhead Riter!!!!Gee, that was a process tallying all those entries up, because I didn't make it easy did I???Please email me at so I can grab your details and get the magazine rack in the mail.Have a great day everyone :)Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! …

Here are some more pictures from around the house. Yes, my camera is crap and I am crap at using it. But honestly, a new camera is not on the top of my priority list!Below are some more pictures of my office. I have added and swapped some bits around.Below is a lonely candelabra waiting …

Found HERE by Norajane at Etsy. Am in the process of selling a lounge of mine and hunting for a new one (yes I just bought one - but another one I had just isn't working!!!!).I think these would look great to brighten up any loungeroom.Please don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY. I will end …

So here are my latest bits. I am waiting for them to all arrive before the kids rooms are transformed. I posted out my initial idea HERE and HERE.So when they all arrive, my eldest is receiving some very cool HUGE Star Wars canvas' with a black painted ceiling. And then my middle one is …

Not sure for what in particular... But I have 3 boys rooms that need some major work.To theme, or not to theme?Star Wars, Pirates, Monkeys...arrrrr!!!!Anyway, loving these photos above I found via Simple Eye.Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: …

I have 'sort of' finished my office. Below are some pictures of the process. On the opposite wall to the desk area I am on the hunt for a nice little lounge. This room is bigger than I thought so I think it requires a bit more furniture.The photo below has a plaster cut-out that …

Here is the start of one of my lounge rooms. It's probably not quite finished and if you know me, no doubt things will be in a different place next week!Below is a light fitting I am on love with. Black in the day, but when turned on at night it looks silver.Below is a …

So you all want to see pictures? What for? They really are not that exciting!!! LOL.But, anyway I thought I would give you a little look inside.....A sea grass rug...Feathers?? Red Vase?? Where will this go? Hmmmm...I think I am working on a very special kids playroom.What about some elephants? They would go nicely with …

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