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Category: Uncategorized

Here is my new wall in my office. I went off wallpaper because I just know I will get sick of it and then I would be in strife! So I got the idea from Belinda at The Happy Home and couldn't be happier with the results. I will show the whole room when my …

Found this picture over at My Favourite and My Best where Jenny makes me laugh when she pays the living daylights out of things. Crack up!Anyway, I actually LOVE this photo. I am totally feelin' the symmetry. It's calling me. However, the colouring is all wrong for me, but I would still open and close … remind me where I have to be within the next week.First I have the Work Christmas Party tonight (what the hell am I wearing to this??)Then we have another kids party tomorrow night. Followed by a whole lot of this before I am on almost 3 weeks leave! Then we are heading off to celebrate this …

Still got so much to show you! This is her bedroom - bliss. If you missed any and want to catch up - go back to the start here.Want to know what I am up to? Follow me on Twitter........Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome …

Thanks for all the blog love in my previous post about commenting etiquette. I am glad I wasn't the only one thinking it's just so rude. Anyway, while I am not losing sleep over it, I do feel that it is polite to acknowledge those commenting on your blog. I do, however, agree that we …

Here we are again (if you missed Part I click here), in her entry...huge high recessed ceiling, decorative plaster and the most divine lighting.Gorgeous floors too!Next this is her formal lounge room off the entry. She has big plans in here. But love that fireplace!Then here is another hallway with another of her favourite Dash …

Here are a few starter pictures of my sister's (Amie) house. Wow, there is so much more to show you though! Her camera is as crappy as mine, but we are getting some proper snaps together in the next few weeks. Then we are hoping we both have a magazine spread ahead of us.So below …

Secret squirrels though... you know how you don't want to get your hopes up and it all fall to pieces? Well I have a few things going on, and one of them is a possible magazine shoot at my house early next year.MAYBE. Whoah!Sooo... I have a deadline and I have to have specific things …

This little fella, aka "Bubby or Bubbia" desperately needed a wash and I knew Chevy would not agree, so I snuck him onto the clothesline after a good thrash around in the machine in the nude (pants next to him thank god - we lost his t-shirt years ago. And this would be a whole …

PictureSo I took all of your advice on board (and laughed myself silly at Emma). I put it to my husband that he please not attempt to do it because I could just see the drama. I know he is very handy and I have no doubt he is a perfectionist, but I was worried …

But I have to be. While I am waiting for my office furniture to arrive (after Christmas) and the wallpaper samples to come this week, I can still drool over these beauties!!Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from …

Don't you just want this kitchen!?!?As we start to gear up for Christmas things are getting very busy around here. I have only about 3 weeks left to finish up all my paperwork at work before we all get holidays! Yippeee.We are spending Christmas Day with my family and then we are having husband's family …

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