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Category: Uncategorized

It never lasts. I wish it was like this everyday. But you see, I run a cafe out of this kitchen. Sometimes I have to yell, "kitchen closed, last round!!!" I live in this kitchen and I am tired of it. Only because I never get to enjoy it. Usually it's full of food and …

            Some more recent shots of my sister's house (Amie). Click here if you want to see more. Have a good day! I am having a better day today :) Katrina x

   Heart racing, blooding pumping, sweats, twitches, nervousness.....This is how I feel looking at these. Oh dear. I need to look away but I just can't.What on earth happened here?I was watching a news program the other night and there was a special show on Compulsive Hoarders. I just couldn't believe it. I know there are …

Mel at Mel's Rose Place suggested this book below (Huts, Havens and Hideaways), so I decided to grab it and another from The Book Depository. Can't wait for them to arrive!   Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from …

No just kidding. My friend's will laugh at that title. Just a favourite saying of ours to be silly with.What I meant was...Everybody's got one... of these little delicious treats. What's up with me? I always wanted one, but never got one. Geez, I better put this on my never-ending list of stuff I want. …

I was surfing around and came across this. What is the go here? What happened with this fabric? What are those cushions? Nice cabinetry, nice fireplace, bad taste, bad room design. This one above looks like some popped a balloon full of sherbet. Spew spew. Totally digging the wallpaer and the fake hanging plant!I sell houses to …

I know I take a lot of photo's of this lounge room, but it's the one I fiddle with the most. This room has undergone many facelifts which you can see here and here and even here! I truly love white, but I also LOVE a splash of colour and this is my favourite lounge …

This is the main bedroom (today). It may not last this long as I am always changing things. The room is massive and I won't show you the opposite side just yet. This was designated to be a 'retreat' area with a lounge and tv area. I blogged about some inspiration for it here. I …

Welcome to the new decade! Mine has started with nothing special at all. They never really do, do they? Wouldn't it be nice to wake up to a phone call saying you've won Lotto?I have so many hopes and dreams personally this year. I have some big things planned with blogging and hope to share …

I have so many blogs to catch up on, I can see everyone has been so busy over the Christmas period. I will try to look through my list later today. I am preparing to have a garage sale here, so I am busily sorting and culling like a mad woman! Show me the money!My …

I was impatient and didn't want to wait for a professional to come and clean it, so I slung it over the swing set, added White King to the high pressure hose thingy we have. I blasted it and check this out! Brand spanking new. Dried over night it's that bloody hot here. Now, what …

Finally got my gates!!! I have been complaining about these for months, but I think they were worth the wait.Have planted a few bits with more to go when the weather cools down. Hedges, conifers and roses are pretty much the theme.    Below is my outdoors blind that rolls up and down. Fantastic idea because it …

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