Need a good laugh? I did! Read this... (click to enlarge)Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter | facebook | email
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Need a good laugh? I did! Read this... (click to enlarge)Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter | facebook | email
He brought this home (not sure where it came from), and he thought it was ok to wear this out in public *insert eye-roll*.I quickly hid it.Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter …
Laugh at me over on A Very Fine House today as I share how I manage paying my bills...Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter | facebook | email
Alison won my last makeover competition. Have a look at how her blog looks now!Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter | facebook | email
Deposit of $50 is payable before commencement. All requests can be negotiateI only design Blogspot {however email me if you need to discuss Wordpress}.The expected time of the finished product will be communicated throughout the design process. This time can vary.Designs can look different on mozilla, explorer, mac, pc.... if you have any dramas, please let …
Click on the image to see the blog Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter | facebook | email
Drumroll.........Who is the lucky person????Alison Gibbs! You are it lovely!I will email you soon.Join me on my new facebook page where you can easily see all the new blogs.Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website …
I am as a busy as a frog in a sock... gee whizz.Bullet form to catch you all up: New job is going well. Learning the ropes. Got myself a couple of listings and am showing a gentleman 5 houses tomorrow so I am going to sell him one (positive thinking baby!). I have also been …
Just a quick check-in!Started my new job Tuesday. Follow me here, here and here.I had a birthday last week...another year older! Argh!I may not be blogging much for the next couple of weeks... I am also busy selling this and looking at buying this (maybe, maybe not?).Catch me on twitter and facebook if you really …
I am happy to share some of these new photos of my home with everyone as I think they came up pretty good.... I miss this house :( BUT, there is a new one on its way!
Please vote for my Office! I entered it into the Real Living "Win a Stylist for the day" and it made the cut!Look for this picture.... {I have just discovered they must be rotating the pictures, so check back if you like!}. Oh you you all have to vote at least 50 time ok??Jump over …
I got a new shelf for my office desk. Love it. Don't love the sight of the printer though! Not very flash looking are they? Might have to move it as it's driving me mad. It's all I can see when I look at this room!This was the desk without the shelf.Thanks for following my blog and …