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Category: Uncategorized

  For how many years should you have your bed?  I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours? I'm starting to think mine is disgraceful! I've been married 12 years and we purchased it before that! Oh dear. So I mentioned to Mr Chambo last week maybe we should get a new bed... You …

Yes this is my normal life... you probably do the same thing every afternoon! My new nail colour! Love this! A bit of new bling. New sunnies too - I've gone off the blowfly look and opted for some cute smaller ones. No, they aren't designer. I can't possibly have expensive sunglasses because I never …

New designs I've completed over the last week or so. Click on the images to be taken to the site! If you're looking for a makeover of some kind you can email me or visit my website [The Media Maid] for more information. Have you seen my BIG giveaway? It's a good one!  Win some wallpaper...enter …

Thanks so much to .... (DRUM ROLL)...Eurowalls for donating two rolls and 1 glue from their "stocked items" up to the total value of $225.Woah! Love it.Remember this wall?Well, Eurowalls came to our rescue and we purchased this gorgeous wallpaper to feature in our master bedroom on The Block.I've been in contact with James (the big boss!) …

Me and my boys all fresh from their bath's.Andrew is coming off second best here with the boys punching him with The Hulk hands!A smarty-pants with my glasses and my book.Apparently he was tired and stopped what he was doing to take a nap in the backyard. As you do.Every episode of The Block. Reckon …

Continuing on from yesterday's post I found a great article about comments and why we love them and we we don't get as many as we want...I soaked it all in...10 Reasons Readers Don't Leave Comments1. What you write is so complete, that I don’t know what to say exceptgood job. I feel silly writing that, …

I've been do this course via Problogger. I am learning lots... Darren (the dude behind Problogger) wrote this in one of his blog post's titled The Reasons Why No-one Reads Your Blog and I just had to share! 6. You’ve got a site design only a mother could love One of the things that really turns …

1. The last week of the school holidays have flown. Thank goodness! The weather was awful so it's hard to entertain a pile of kids when it's raining day after day.2. I have a new mini-project in the pipeline (locally) so I'll share more on that in the coming weeks. If you are already sick …

Ooo ooo oooo I am flapping my arms around... how nice does the herringbone look?! Anyone have this in their house? I loooooove it! Would my eyes go funny after a while? Do you think I would ever convince a builder in Wagga to do this for me? Ha! Doubt it!!Still.... I am dreaming up …

Thank you Kerri for showing us your real estate find! I have been mesmerized by this house and have pulled it up on my computer one hundred times... this is what I want 'next house'.... Click here to see more.Today I have a very busy day... I have a meeting with some people about a …

...and he thought I wasn't around...Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter | facebook | email

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