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Category: Uncategorized

Im writing this post with 1 eye open from hospital. I got very unwell Saturday night and went to the hospital only to go home after a few hrs. My husband called an ambulance for me Sunday night and they discovered I have meningitis. Scariest thing I've ever had. I'm recovering and will be back …

I'm going out tonight! Girls night out to celebrate by besties birthday. Fun! I am tossing up which top to wear. Ok, so the pink one is actually yellow in my wardrobe (I couldn't find a yellow one online so you'll have to use your imagination). The green one is a dress on that girl, …

How lovely does Amie look? She went to the races in Albury last week. Seriously people, this is a woman with 2 children (who is in her 30's!) and she looks better than most teeny-boppers! Someone needs to sign this woman up for a clothing label for Mum's! She'd give all those mummy bloggers out …

Are you happy? Are you content? Do you need to change anything in your life? Be more splendid, more extraordinary... I'm in a happy place with a bright future. Life is what you make it. I'm grateful for my awesome friends and family. I don't tell them enough how much I love them, but I …

  I am lovin' this Spring weather! I love spray tans, fresh hair colour and painted toenails. How about a pair of these thongs to show off the bright toenail polish?   Giuseppe Zanotti flip flop shoes $273 - Mystique thong sandals €155 - Ash low heel sandals $127 - Flat heels $168 - Ankle strap sandals $45 - Dolce …

I am really looking forward to taking better photos with my new iphone 4S. My old phone just never could do it (although it was an iphone 4). Do you always take photos on your phone, or do you carry a camera with you? I hate missing opportunities to take photos of my family. We had a …

Ooooo looky what I have in my hands... this is what I'm playing with today. We are all walking around taking it in turns talking to Siri. My kids are obsessed! I had a crap day yesterday. If you read my twitter you'd know I fell over at school and my kids screamed down the …

I am a bit of a dreamer. Always thinking up stuff, changing my mind and annoying everyone with the changes in my life. Well, you go nowhere is this world if you don't dream big! That's what I say :) This year has been a crazy and intense ride, but it all happened because of …

Leopard by katrinaleechambers featuring leopard print sunglasses Velvet leopard coat 238 - Michael Antonio platform heels $60 - Tory Burch zipper bag 225 - Leopard print scarve $20 - kate spade new york rigid iPhone 4 & 4S cover Leopard Multi One Size $40 - -- Yes, leopard print is my all-time favourite pattern. I own far too much of …

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