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Someone needs to wean me off leopard print

Leopard by katrinaleechambers featuring leopard print sunglasses Velvet leopard coat 238 - Michael Antonio platform heels $60 - Tory Burch zipper bag 225 - Leopard print scarve $20 - kate spade new york rigid iPhone 4 & 4S cover Leopard Multi One Size $40 - -- Yes, leopard print is my all-time favourite pattern. I own far too much of …


Velvet leopard coat
238 –

Michael Antonio platform heels
$60 –

Tory Burch zipper bag
225 –

Leopard print scarve
$20 –

Yes, leopard print is my all-time favourite pattern. I own far too much of it!
Below is me at 2 different functions in the last 5 days… aaaaand I’m wearing leopard print. Surprise surprise!
Is there a club I can join to wean me off it. I think I may have an unnatural obsession with it.
Do you have any favourite items of clothing?
Today my baby Chevy has his big school orientation. So exciting! My last child is heading off to school. Where have the years gone?!
PS. Thank you for your support and lovely comments re yesterday’s post. We’re all good and happy and back to normal 🙂
Have a great day everyone x
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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. A-M

    October 26, 2011

    Hey ‘katrina from the block’, I am loving your new site to death. Big statement but true. It’s all so clean and fresh…. and wide! Love your little flashing thing with your family at the top too. You so rock as a designer. And designers need to wear leopard print, they just do. Just sayin’. A-M xx

  2. Rhi @ Hummingbird's Song

    October 26, 2011

    I loooved the whole leopard print look too all through Winter, but now that the warmer weather is here I’m into all things coral.

    Oh, and you rocked the leopard print at Problogger! 😛

  3. louwink

    October 27, 2011

    You could have worse addictions; just run with it.

    Was listening to the latest LMFAO song with my boys on the way to school this morning… First 30 secs of the song they say ‘Animal prints are out of control’

    Check out the youtube clip… (warning – cheeky, but i think you can handle it!)

    Leopard – You either love it or you hate it they say, suits your hair colour so keep wearing it!!
    ; ) Louwink

  4. Pennyb

    October 27, 2011

    You are looking really well. i havent been game enough to get into the print thing yet!

  5. Liz N

    October 27, 2011

    I’d keep it Katrina, shows you’ve got your grrrrrr on!

  6. Kek

    October 27, 2011

    The new blog look is GREAT!

    As for the leopard print, it suits you. Um, maybe not all those pieces at the same time though. 😉

  7. Bec

    October 27, 2011

    Hi Katrina, oooh I am in love with leopard print too!! I have just been reading your last few posts, and your last one has made me feel so much better about the week I am having. I screamed and lectured my 8 year old all the way home from school all because he didn’t say thank you to the crossing man…completely overboard! Its hard sometimes, but it’s nice to have a laugh with other mums knowing we are all trying our best.
    I love checking into you blog, it’s looking great, bec xx

  8. Mimi

    October 27, 2011

    Love your style! Don’t worry honey about yesterday, I have been there, I know how you feel. Wait until they are 17 boy oh boy, now that sometimes is really hard. Mimi xx

  9. mums the word

    October 27, 2011

    thats a whole lotta leopard there! lol xx

  10. jilly

    October 27, 2011

    Hi ya Trine,
    Being a Mother is the hardest job on this earth. I used to say to my son when he was a lot younger than his now 38yrs. That he was not born with a manual and I have to learn the best way I can. Yeah, I made plenty of mistakes but I can tell you it is really so hard. Mind you I had no family support at all. I can also say from my experience that it is the most thankless job of all!! I have times when I trek down memory lane and I feel sick, but then I remind myself “I did the best I could with the little knowledge that I had”. Now I try to remember all the good times we have shared and forget the others. One thing for sure is you have all of our support because a lot of us have been down that road.
    Keep smiling and don’t be too hard on yourself, anyone of you that may read this. It’s all part of life and it’s not as though you murdered someone. NEWSFLASH….YOU ARE ONLY HUMAN AFTER ALL!!!!! xxx

  11. Calico Child

    October 27, 2011

    You so suit lepoard print on picks I have seen so don’t worry a lot of people cannot carry it of you do gorgeously so keep your pieces! :))
    I love a mixture of styles & colour depends on my mood, my 1 fav are a pair of black jeans which have a shimmer to them & a big buckle with tiny diamontes in it my old faithfull that wash & wash had them for years & still in great shape :)))
    wish I had got some more pairs.

  12. KL

    October 27, 2011

    Bah, Hum Bug! Wear what you want! I love Leopard!And as a wise Great-grandma once told me – guilt is a wasted emotion! Love those boys whereever you can and if you’re human every once in a while… well so be it. Teach them the humility of saying sorry and move on along!
    x KL

  13. Rachael

    October 29, 2011

    seriously, a girl can never have to much leopard! My favorite, have a lot of it myself! Rachaelxo

  14. Sarah Leslie

    June 3, 2012

    I LOOOOVE lepoard print. There is no uch thing as too much unless you wear it all together! One item is sufficient. Always.

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