Amie has been wanting to put a weft (weave or whatever you choose to call it) in her hair for a while. It's been a huge joke of ours. She didn't want permanent extensions, just hair she could take in and out. She ordered her hair online and came over to Wagga yesterday to get my …
Amie has been wanting to put a weft (weave or whatever you choose to call it) in her hair for a while. It’s been a huge joke of ours. She didn’t want permanent extensions, just hair she could take in and out.
She ordered her hair online and came over to Wagga yesterday to get my bestie Mel to cut, colour and teach her how to use them. We spent the whole day laughing!
Here ‘they’ are pre cut and colour…
Loving Mel’s pink nails!
Measuring and clipping them in….
My biggest concern is that she won’t remember what goes where (although they are marked!) and she’ll have long bits and short bits.
Check our Mel’s leopard print pants (and matching pink toenails!).
She looks hilarious!!!! What a little poser ha!
They’ve been coloured and now she is blow drying them. Oh, and pretty coral coloured nails.
Amie’s new hair that she will lay in her wardrobe at home when she isn’t wearing it.
And wha-la! The finished product – cut, coloured and styled. Plus a funny pose to go with it. What do you think? She’s looking a bit like Natalie Gruzlewski with her weave.
I love it! I think for $60 it’s a must-have. You just need to know how to use them properly. I think I should get some…Good luck Aims!
Above is a funny video of Amie teaching us how to use a new product she bought here.
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But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block.
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Bridget Peaker
Love it 🙂
Must say mine are sitting in the bathroom, haven't used them since my wedding 6 months ago so hopefully you'll get more use out of yours lol
Oh wait, of course you will cause you get photographed more than I do 😉
Good luck guys with whatever gets thrown your way next!
Alicia ~ Time Worn Style
ha! love the wink amie gives at the end lol! Looks FABULOUS. Yes i bought one a whiles back and love it but am slack and dont put it in very often as a bit of work. Like the look of that new big ass hair dryer though, might check it out.
The Moerks
Amazing, she looks gorgeous. I hope she remembers it is in the wardrobe. Otherwise she might scream every time she catches a glimpse of it.
Oh, Aimies hair looks fab… ha can imagine it hanging in the wardrobe…hilarious X
Absolutely LOVE it! Could you tell me when she bought them from? I'm actually looking for some extension for my wedding.
Hi Katrina
Amie looks great – loved the finished product.
At first I thought – oh know she might look too much like "kimmie" from Kath & Kim!
But all good – now why isn't melissa in brisbane for me?
Katrina Chambers
She bought them off ebay Ez –
It's brilliant and she looks gorgeous! I have 'big' hair naturally and I WISH it was a weave I could take out. I'm just very glad that 'big' hair is baaaack baby. It's been a long time! x
Thank youuuu!
Love it. Is Natalie Gruzlewski's hair just full of weaves? I freaking LOVE her hair! Want it. Need it. (My fiance's in lurrrrve with her hahahaha)
The Distressed Mother
Looks fab! Just like a Real Housewife.
TDM xx
Annie @ My White Homestead
At first I giggled – then couldn't stop wondering "where do I get me one of those"!! off to the ebay store to get one now!!
Like it girls. Very groovy designs too Miss Katrina.
penny barns
why dont you girls try get a show going like "keeping up with the kardashians" maybe "KandA take on ???"
it would be hilarious!