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My Top 5 Things Last Week

Oh boy I am behind on these posts aren't I? I can only come up with 5 today. 1. I went to an online marketing seminar last week. I didn't learn anything overly new, but it cemented in my mind that I am on the right track with my own marketing goals. 2. An employee …

Oh boy I am behind on these posts aren’t I? I can only come up with 5 today.
1. I went to an online marketing seminar last week. I didn’t learn anything overly new, but it cemented in my mind that I am on the right track with my own marketing goals.
2. An employee of Mr Chambo eloped to Vegas a few months ago and they had a celebration at the pub. I had a fantastic time and never laughed so hard!
3. I still have NO voice. Yes some people are liking it. Off to Dr this week as I think chest infection on its way. Good ole drugs for crohn’s disease suppresses the immune system so I am picking up everything.
4. I made over Fun and Vjs blog. Anita won my giveaway. She was awesome to work with. She let me know her direction and then left me to it. Thanks Anita! Check it out.
5. I am enjoying some holidays before I start my new job. Wish I could be on holidays permanently. Dumb.
Here are some photos before we went out on the weekend. Thanks Mr 8 year old for taking the fuzzy photos so you all can’t see my wrinkles and love handles!
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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Julie-Ann

    June 6, 2010

    Firstly, you have no wrinkles or love handles. Glad you had a super night- it was entertaining reading your tweets whilst you were at the party. Take care of that infection and get to the doctors pronto:)

  2. brismod

    June 6, 2010

    Ha! No way do you have wrinkles and handles! Nice photos. And thanks again for everything.

  3. Lorraine

    June 6, 2010

    Yeah right Katrina, wrinkles and love handles, who are you trying to kid!!! Looking stunning as always.
    Take care of yourself young lady. xox

  4. The Moerks

    June 6, 2010

    Can't see any wrinkles and only one chin. It's all good from here. Glad you had a good night. A good laugh is great isn't it.

  5. A-M

    June 6, 2010

    Ha, we have photos like that… kids do fuzzy so well! God I hope that you are not getting a chest infection on top of everything else. Put your feet up on your little break and take it easy. A-M xx

  6. chair up

    June 6, 2010

    How photogenic are you!!!Great shots.
    That cold Wagga weather won't be great for your chest infection. Hope it doesn't amount to much.
    I'm off to check out Anita's flash blog:o)

  7. our shabby cottage

    June 6, 2010

    looking great guys, and happy birthday to your man for last week too! Kathryn. XX

  8. Lisa

    June 6, 2010

    loving your hair katrina! you look great – wrinkles or not!

  9. Alison

    June 7, 2010

    Great photos by Mr8.
    Have to check out the lucky Anita's makeover

  10. Amanda

    June 8, 2010

    You've done a great job on Anita's blog – looks fab 🙂

  11. Sam

    February 7, 2012

    Whats your new job Katrina?

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