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GUEST POST: Foods to avoid and a yummy shortbread recipe

Today I have a post from Amber at Cranky Numbers... When I woke up this morning it was the same dilemma - not enough sleep, so much to do, planning a list in my head. I think umm put a load of washing on, make school lunch, feed bubby breakfast, oh what to wear nothing …


Today I have a post from Amber at Cranky Numbers

When I woke up this morning it was the same dilemma – not enough sleep, so much to do, planning a list in my head. I think umm put a load of washing on, make school lunch, feed bubby breakfast, oh what to wear nothing still fits not quite at pre baby weight must stick to the healthy eating today and try get a walk or jog in as well. While I am sitting here writing this out I can hear miss 6 and miss 4 watching their DVD in the background I think its Cats and Dogs. It’s funny how you can become so tuned into to the movies your kids watch and you start to yourself know the movies word for word – well that’s a true mumma I think. There is miss 9 months old combat crawling around in discomfort with her teething 4 lovely teeth at once. What are your morning dilemmas?  And do you have a list made up of your days or weekly events?

Well let me introduce myself now, Amber here from “crankynumbers”, you may ask who is “crankynumbers” I haven’t heard of it what is it all about. Well I specialise in getting the word out about preservatives, additives and artificial colours and flavours and chemicals in foods, drinks and many other products. I began a blog site shortly after I had discovered problems with food my first born. It first started for me; I was thinking why she is so hyperactive! I use to think it was just red cordial that could send kids nuts, but after I spoke to a fellow co worker who also said she suffered from reactions to natural chemicals and a few preservatives. I was in shock thinking all the foods that I had been buying for her all this time and the ones that market healthy snack for kids was infact sending her nuts. So I did a lot of research and put her on an elimination diet and boy in 2 days I was amazed and her childcare teachers were also amazed. Miss 4 went from being bouncing off the walls to sitting down and listening and bedtime oh that was a time I did dread but it was so lovely to put a tired child to bed not a child who was over-active because of chemicals preservatives and artificial horribles. My kids always ask me, Mum can we get those( pointing up to the fruit loops)? I say no sorry honey but they have cranky numbers in them so we need to go with the oats, they are much better for us too. When we are out at cafes having a coffee and baby cino I was always question what’s in there foods and I read over every label when shopping. I think if the kids cannot have it we cannot have it either just trying to be fair with the kids. I know they do go without a lot of foods that I know as I kid grew up eating frequently.
So after a complete 360 degree turn around in food for the household and after I had cut chocolate out of my diet I even noticed a difference in how much more relaxed I was. Speaking from a chocoholic experience – chocolate can cause IBS irritable bowel syndrome, irritability and low hyperactivity. There are hidden natural chemicals we are not told about.

I now home make pretty much everything that goes in the mouths of my children. I am so much more aware about what we put on our skin, wash our clothes and even dishes in. I have just started a course from home in naturopathy so I just want to be able to use this with my family.

My inspiration for Cranky Numbers.

Foods to avoid!

Well it’s back to the kitchen to bake some cookies maybe some yummy gingerbread ones or short bread… hmm what does mum feel like with her afternoon cuppa?

Amber at Crankynumbers.

Yummy Shortbread Cookies for Christmas

This is by far the yummiest shortbread I have had.
300g butter (i used nuttelex spread)
1/2 cup caster sugar
3 cups of flour any brand is fine
1/4 cup cornflour
1/4 tsp sea salt (if you don’t have sea salt on hand table salt is fine).
PRE HEAT oven to 180*
Cream butter and sugar until nice and creamy. Add flour, cornflour and salt by using a sifter. (butter amount can vary with individual cooking technique I mix by hand so I require a little more butter)
Knead ingredients all together well and roll out on the a large pastry sheet or bench top surface .

Using a rolling pin roll out 12 – 18mm depends on your own personal choice. Cut into shapes (get adventurous – use some cookies cutters too).

Place on to a well greased tray, prick with a folk and bake in a preheated oven for 30mins (half the time in fan forced ovens).
When finished cooking you can decorate with some sifted icing sugar or get fancy with some icing and decorations.

Thanks Amber, you’ve got me wanting to make these now (and I rarely bake!!). They look delicious.

Do you have any links to some great recipes that are healthy for our kiddies? I’d love to see them.

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Kat

    December 6, 2011

    Thanks for this great post Amber.
    Your house sounds a lot like ours.
    We started following the Failsafe diet 4 years ago when my oldest (then 5) was showing similiar traits.
    She reacts to salicylates and amines in fruit and veg, as well as chemicals, preservatives and additives etc.
    My Hubby started the diet as well (he also has coeliac’s, and cannot have egg, dairy or many other things like Ella.)
    I also spend a lot of time reading labels and baking.
    We have found that it has been so worth it for our family.
    Although my other three seem okay with foods we are still careful and avoid the additives.

  2. Jode

    December 6, 2011

    The more colour usually means the more hyper! Speaking from experience! Love the look of the cookies yum yum! Thanks for your great post Amber. Have a great day. x Jode

  3. amber

    December 6, 2011

    thanks so much kat and jode good to hear there is a keen interest in helping our children with foods and not just giving them rubbish i use to work in childcare and saw quite a lot of foods that triggered behaviors, concentration and much more. The natural chemicals also are shocking oranges and green apples a big no no with my girls and MSG for my husband. 🙂

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