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9 Top Shopping Picks!

Hey there shoppers! How are you? Bought anything new lately? I have! Number 2 is now in my possession - it's very cute. I am also soooo in love with number 5 and 8. I might just have to add them to my home. 1. Lumber table lamp / 2. Storage bag / 3. Scales / 4. Owl soap …


Hey there shoppers! How are you? Bought anything new lately? I have! Number 2 is now in my possession – it’s very cute. I am also soooo in love with number 5 and 8. I might just have to add them to my home.

1. Lumber table lamp / 2. Storage bag / 3. Scales / 4. Owl soap / 5. Emerald green throw rug / 6. Coasters / 7. Clock / 8. Coffee print / 9. Lamp shade

Happy shopping!

Want your item to be shown here in my Top Shopping Picks? Email me and we can chat!


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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Cathy

    August 16, 2013

    Aah my coffee girl! Love her! Although I changed colours 🙂

  2. Tyra

    August 16, 2013

    Katrina, I like your blog and loved it on

  3. Sonia

    August 19, 2013

    I love that coffee print! That would look awesome in our kitchen. Fab finds!

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