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3 projects using Chalk Paint™ by Annie Sloan

I was looking around on Pinterest for some new projects I could do using Chalk Paint™ by Annie Sloan. I have a huge collection of paints and today I felt like whipping up a little project. I got lost on Pinterest looking around because there are so many cool projects! I thought I'd share 3 …



I was looking around on Pinterest for some new projects I could do using Chalk Paint™ by Annie Sloan. I have a huge collection of paints and today I felt like whipping up a little project. I got lost on Pinterest looking around because there are so many cool projects! I thought I’d share 3 with you today. You could have a go at these too!

Check out these painted books. Oh these would look great if you had a spare spot on a bookshelf and didn’t know how to fill it! Here is where you’ll find more info.

I have an ugly set of these salt and pepper shakers hidden away in my cupboard. They shall be coming out today and I’ll be sprucing them up! Here‘s where I found the inspiration.



LOVE this half dipped basket. Such a cool way to jazz up something so simple. I have a basket here at home I will be doing also. Here‘s where I found that inspiration.

Lastly, just click over and look at this photo – someone has painted their washer and dryer! There was no tutorial, but seriously is there anything Chalk Paint™ can’t do?!

PS. Have you seen my Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ giveaway on Instagram? Hop over there and you could win $200 worth of paint!

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Kelly McClure

    November 22, 2014

    i have often lookd at my plain brown salt and pepper grinders and thought.. meh. now I’m looking at them in a new light. time to go get some paint!

  2. Terry Julie Simmonds

    November 22, 2014

    Love that basket. x

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