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10 Reasons Readers Don’t Leave Comments

Continuing on from yesterday's post I found a great article about comments and why we love them and we we don't get as many as we want...I soaked it all in...10 Reasons Readers Don't Leave Comments1. What you write is so complete, that I don’t know what to say exceptgood job. I feel silly writing that, …


Continuing on from yesterday’s post I found a great article about comments and why we love them and we we don’t get as many as we want…

I soaked it all in…

10 Reasons Readers Don’t Leave Comments
  • 1. What you write is so complete, that I don’t know what to say exceptgood job. I feel silly writing that, so I read and move on.
  • 2. You’ve taught me something I didn’t know, and I need to think about it before I even have a question. Much like number 1, I don’t want to embarrass myself. I’m better off moving on.
  • 3. I get ready to type a comment, but I notice you only respond to a few friends who mostly share inside jokes. I won’t take the risk of being overlooked in public.
  • 4. The folks who comment on your posts like to argue and I don’t. I’m not sure I’m brave enough to fight my way into the crowd.
  • 5. You rarely respond to comments. So, there’s no point in writing one.
  • 6. Your blog has geeky attitude and I’m not geeky enough to keep up.
  • 7. I really like your blog and your post, but I’m too tired, busy, or any one of a number things that you can’t control. I’ll comment the next I come back to read.
  • 8. You end your posts with a giant general question like “What do you think of the Big Bang Theory?” That question is such a big one. I don’t have time to answer it. I feel strange answering with a lesser comment.
  • 9. You put up a fence by making me login to comment. I have too many passwords already and I don’t know you well enough to add one to my list.
  • 10. Your content wasn’t fresh and exciting, and I couldn’t find anything YOU inside it. It seemed the same post that I’ve read on 10 other blogs. If I commented, I would have to tell you that.
  • PLUS ONE: Your post was negative. Negative is scary. Most folks don’t like negative stuff, because they know they could be next to be the recipient. I don’t comment, because I don’t want to be part of it.
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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Marissa @ Beautifully Organised

    October 9, 2011

    I never thought about #3 before, it's a good point!

  2. Adalita

    October 9, 2011

    Some interesting points there!

  3. loulou

    October 9, 2011

    Hello Katrina

    Well put for all of us

    have a wonderful day

    x Loulou

  4. xx D

    October 9, 2011

    Ahhh..I did learn something new!
    Im afraid I fall into 1. so well done lol..
    Im loving watching you 'transform' can you see it?
    Its encouraging for the rest of us…
    thank you xxD

  5. cheryl @ nefotlak.

    October 9, 2011

    very good points.
    thanks for posting these.
    c. xox

  6. Elizabeth

    October 9, 2011

    I have a private blog so its tumbleweeds over there!

    I love your blog and I love your clothes style but I guess I feel a bit embarrassed to just write that (I mean I am a nearly 40 year old Mum aren’t I a bit old for crushes lol!)

    And I did ask you a question once and you never replied so I sort of didn’t want to bother you with more questions.

    Anyhoo I do love your blog and look forward to seeing more clothes and house decor stuff.

  7. Katrina Chambers

    October 9, 2011

    Awww sorry Elizabeth, I may have missed it? I guess it's also hard to find you when have a private blog 🙂 But I am happy to answer anything you ask… fire away! x

  8. Lindy

    October 10, 2011

    I definitely fall into 1, 2 and 7 – I'm so glad that there's categories for us non-commenters! I do enjoy reading the posts though – quite often I can't think of anything witty or interesting to say, or I don't read them till at least a day or two after they've been posted so I don't have anything new to add. Love your work 🙂

  9. Elizabeth

    October 10, 2011

    My Question is lame but… Do you remember where you got the denim jacket with short capped sleeves you wore on the Block. I loved it and have been looking for one similar. You are wearing it in a post you did about how nice Shelley was on the block.

    Have a good one

  10. Katrina Chambers

    October 10, 2011

    Ahhhh… I think I know why I may not have answered you directly… it's because this was THE most asked question I ever got asked hahaha! So I did answer it all over the place. But sorry I didn't answer you! Anyway, it was from KMart (whoah she says!) and it's 3 years old. It cost $20! Hahaha!!

  11. kate

    October 10, 2011

    Another reason (hope it wasn't listed and I missed it).

    Is that someone has already said what I was going to say, so no point writing the same response as 20 other people.

  12. Elizabeth

    October 10, 2011

    Thanks Katrina,
    K Mart is cool bananas and has some hidden treasures. I got some skinny jeans there 2 years ago for $15 and I should have picked up about 5 pairs as I love and live in them.
    See ya.

  13. Jenny

    October 10, 2011

    Good post, interesting points. 😉

  14. Julia

    October 10, 2011

    I try and comment on blogs and then the comments don't show up, my password is wrong, it asks me for word verification and it still doesnt work etc. etc. so I just give up!!

  15. House of Vintner

    October 10, 2011

    I mostly don't comment IF there are 783 000 other comments and mine is likely to get lost in the hub bub and sometimes I just 'think' about it but figure I can't add anything the other 783 000 didn't offer… LOL

  16. Jane

    October 10, 2011

    It's all true isn't it. I say 'speak up and put it out there'. Just think, if you and Aime didn't bite the bullet and do that splendiferous video, you would never have got on The Block and you may not have 692 followers now. have a great week. Jane x

  17. MaidInAustralia

    October 10, 2011

    Very true. I try and comment on as many blogs as possible and they only reason I won't is if it's too, too hard (word verification not working or having to join a site), or if I continually comment on someone's blog and they never ever visit mine and repay the favour. I don't mean all the time, just occasionally. It's basic bloggie etiquette that I learned early on.

  18. Calico Child

    October 11, 2011

    hee funny I wasnt going to post as the kettle was boiling & needed that cuppa Tea 🙂 Then I thought what the heck I don't want to be related to any one of those comments tonight 🙂 hee some good ones one more from me I am a crap blogger & sometimes I reply to all missed post's in one hit I bet I am a right pain to some bloggers in box :))) Have a great time on the Gold Coast Kaftan dresses are nice for pool partys.

  19. bedroom chandeliers

    October 17, 2011

    well this post deserves a comment…which i just did! but OMG!!!
    "Your blog has geeky attitude and I’m not geeky enough to keep up"… 🙂

  20. Katerina

    July 13, 2012

    I will respond to everyone if I can. I get so excited when I see someone has left a comment and it’s not spam. I’m not sure which category I fit into.

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